Talking with Craig McGowan
This month, the special guest of my Inside the Photo appointment is the fantastic landscape photographer Craig McGowan.
As a teenager, my first camera was a 35mm film SLR Olympus OM-1. Decades later returning to photography I entered the digital era, with my current kit centred on a Nikon D850 system. My first love in photography is for landscapes in remote and less visited locations. However, when I cannot get to these destinations, I am more than happy to shoot scenes closer to home.
If I can remember, he’s one of the first artists I followed when I joined Vero a few years ago. And, if you look at his images, you can easily understand why.
Every time I linger on one of his pictures, I can feel myself being transported to the place he captures. I can hear the sound of the waves, sense the softness of the sand under my feet, shiver in the morning breeze.

Sunrise on the Beach – © Craig McGowan
Clichéd perhaps for some. Having lived my childhood and teenage years by the water I am drawn to return. My affinity for water appears regularly in my photography. Sunrise on the Beach and its location, no matter how many times I have revisited and shot along this coastline, always brings a sense of comfort and peace to me. Perhaps it is the joy of a brand new day. The unknown possibilities and challenges that a new day may bring. But moreover, the serenity of the early morning and the tranquil atmosphere that accompanies a sunrise such as in this shot. Lastly, it delivers inspiration. The sense of renewal and motivation I feel at the commencement of the day, oh what joy!
For me, a perfect start to the day.
Now, I highly recommend you have a look at Craig’s images on any of his platforms. You can find him at the following links:
Thank you so much, Craig, for being part of my series and for sharing and commenting on this wonderful image!
Take care and talk soon!